printscale daily zoom 2
language zh

Project starts 2021-09-01
today is 2021-09-14 and is colored in salmon

saturday are closed
sunday are closed

2021-09-18 is open
2021-09-20 is closed
2021-09-21 is closed
2021-09-26 is open
2021-10-09 is open

2021-10-01 to 2021-10-07 are closed
2021-10-01 to 2021-10-07 are named [国庆节]
2021-10-01 to 2021-10-07 are colored in green

-- 3 月搬家季 --
[3 月搬家季|技术方案] on {Where} starts 2021-02-01 and ends 2021-02-05
[3 月搬家季|活动开发] on {Where} starts 2021-02-18 and ends 2021-02-25
[3 月搬家季|联调] on {Where} starts 2021-02-26 and ends 2021-03-04
[3 月搬家季|提测] happens on 2021-03-04
[3 月搬家季|Debug] on {Where} starts 2021-03-05 and ends 2021-03-16
[3 月搬家季|发布] happens on 2021-03-16
[3 月搬家季|上线跟踪] on {Where} starts 2021-03-17 and ends 2021-10-24
